Refund Policy

At solarenergyforever, we are committed to providing high-quality online education services. As part of our commitment to transparency and fair business practices, please review our refund policy outlined below.

1. Refund Policy Overview

1.1. No Refunds: solarenergyforever does not offer refunds for courses or any other products purchased through our platform. All sales are final.

1.2. Course Access: Upon successful payment, students are granted access to the course content within 24 hours. Due to the digital nature of our products, once access is provided, we cannot revoke it, and refunds will not be issued.

2. Course Previews and Descriptions

2.1. Informed Decisions: We encourage users to explore course previews and read detailed course descriptions before making a purchase. This ensures that you have a clear understanding of the course content and format.

2.2. Contact Support: If you have any questions or concerns about a course, please contact our customer support team at[@] before making a purchase.

3. Technical Issues

3.1. Contact Support: In the rare event of technical issues preventing course access, please contact our support team promptly. We will make reasonable efforts to resolve any technical problems that may arise.

4. Unauthorized Access

4.1. Security Measures: Protect your account credentials to prevent unauthorized access. If you suspect any unauthorized activity, contact our support team immediately for assistance.

5. Changes to Refund Policy

5.1. Policy Updates: solarenergyforever reserves the right to update or modify this refund policy at any time. Changes will be effective upon posting to the website.

6. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our refund policy, please contact us at[@]

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